Local Artist Spotlight
Support Local Artists
The rapidly changing landscape of the jewelry industry has given way to a new era of jewelry designers, many of whom started as creatives in other fields. At Unclaimed Diamonds, as it has been for many years, our goal is to reach our customers not only in store but in our community. For more than a decade, we have had the honor of saying we are one of the very few jewelry store in the city, let alone the country, that employees African American jewelers who are hands on in designing our extensive collection of exclusive engagement rings.
We have recently begun to explore the newly expanding grassroots jewelry movement and we have created an initiative to highlight local designers and showcase their creations in our showroom and through our social media. It is our goal to bring new and exciting designs, perspectives, and styles otherwise hidden from the public eye to the forefront and provide new opportunities for local artists. We invite all to see, share, and shop with your fellow Philadelphians!

Our first local artist spotlight is Tiki of Zen Collections. Tiki is a Philadelphia native and a local business owner in Philadelphia. One saturday afternoon a gentleman came into Unclaimed Diamonds around Valentine’s Day wearing an extremely distinguished piece of jewelry, a beaded bracelet with vibrantly colored beads. When asked where he got the bracelet he quickly connected us with Tiki. We were able to sit down and share ideas and goals that we both wanted to meet. While typically a made to order product she and her partner who just so happens to be he adorable daughter designed and created a line exclusively for Unclaimed Diamonds.
Tiki’s story on how the Zen Collection got started and what it means to her “Zen collections started as an artistic outlet for my daughter and I to express our creative sides. We began making ourselves matching bracelets. People would stop me while we were out and ask ‘Where did you purchase your bracelets from?’, and I would reply. ‘We made them!’ That’s how Zen collections was created! As a mother, I want my daughter to see how important it is to be creative, be you, be different, do something you love, and work hard!”